How To Excel From Student Life To Professional Life

How To Excel From Student Life To Professional Life
Career Development

How To Excel From Student Life To Professional Life

February 04, 2024 By Admin

There are many phases and transitions that occur in human life, from infancy to old age. Transformation from one phase of life to another is always difficult, as human nature is easily adaptable to having a comfort zone. To break out of your comfort zone and move ahead requires a lot of effort. A person transits from one phase to the next several times in his life, but the transition from student life to professional life is very crucial.

The most important parameter is responsibility, which comes into play when a student transforms into a working professional. Responsibility brings many other challenges in a student's life, like up-skilling, time management, competition with co-workers, work pressure, etc. In many cases, parents also force the student to pursue a career of their choice, which creates more challenges for students to become responsible and successful.

Now we need to understand the parameters that students need to consider when facing the challenges of professional life.

Understand yourself:

God has created humankind with different abilities and a variety of talents. A student needs to identify his or her talent, strengths, and interests. Someone who is good at drawing or artifact creativity but deficient with calculations has a high probability of becoming a good artist but a low possibility of becoming a scientist or an engineer. It is reasonable to identify one’s strength and plan to build a career around it. So that he or she can face the challenges of his or her professional life. Although it requires polishing the skills and investing time to develop the fine talent that brings fame and success,. There are plenty of examples where people understood their talent in the early stages of their lives, like Sachin Tendulkar, Sundar Pichai, Shahrukh Khan, APJ Abdul Kalam, and many more. It requires practice and focus to sharpen your skills

Find your place:

Once you are confident about your talent and skills, you need to explore the real world to find a place where you can use them. You should also carefully observe how your talent and profession are going to impact the social lives of people so that you do not harm the echo system of life. Someone in the past found that people were buying groceries and products directly from the shopkeepers by walking into the shop. Is it not good to deliver products at home to save time for consumers in lieu of money? It gave rise to the home delivery business, which has found its valued space in the market. Therefore, you need to find a place to fit in where your skills are valued by people.

Goal Setting and Planning:

When you find your talent and the place to fit in, you need to set a goal or target with firm planning. The goal must be achievable and within your capacity. There may be a few short-term goals to reach the final target, but a firm and clear step-by-step approach must be there. The timeline plays an important role in reaching the destination. Most people fail not because of a lack of hard work but due to wrong planning and a lethargic attitude towards their gold.

Hard work has no shortcut.

algin="justify">It is difficult to maintain your focus without dedication and discipline; therefore, hard work is necessary to follow your target. A gazelle can run faster than a lioness, but still, the lioness hunts the gazelle with proper planning.  Her talent and skills, along with her accurate dedication and the hard work that she can do, make her the best hunter. Being lazy is harmful in real life. Sometimes life does not give you a second chance; therefore, put in your best effort. If you do not do it first, then someone else will do it before you, and in turn, you will fail even if you reach your goal. Hard work is necessary to put in your best effort so that you do not regret not trying your best.

Life is hard; get used to it.

There are a few things in real life that you cannot control and that can make you fail, so it is better to get used to them. Do not fear failure. It is better to analyze the reasons for failure rather than remorse about it. You cannot control what people think about you. You have to face many obstacles, including personal agony, the people who act as your opponents, unfavorable circumstances, natural calamities, and other acts of God. I am sure that you must have read the story of Robert Bruce and the Spider, in which the king saw a spider who, despite several failures, kept trying to climb over a wall and finally reached the destination. This spider motivated the king to fight his enemy, who had defeated him nine times earlier. This time, finally, he won the battle. Your focus should be on your best efforts with proper planning.  Success will be yours one day. It is your passion for your goal that shouldn't let you relax and should motivate you to keep trying. So find your passion. You cannot fail until you accept your failure.



Blog Author

Arshad Nadeem

Training and Placement Officer

Sobhasaria Group of Institutions, Sikar

Address: NH-52, Gokulpura, Sikar, Rajasthan, 332001

Contact No-01572-222650-51-52-53

Mobile No.: +91-800-3595091/93,

Blog Editor

Dr. Rajesh Kumar Gaur

(Dept. of English)

Sobhasaria Group of Institutions, Sikar

Address: NH-52, Gokulpura,Sikar, Rajasthan, 332001

Contact No-01572-222650-51-52-53

Mobile No.: +91-800-3595091/93,
